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Welcome to my platform, a space designed to inspire, ignite, and include. The purpose is to connect with and support young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, female entrepreneurs, and young aspirants. As a woman who has faced obstacles and setbacks on my own journey, I strongly believe in the power of building a community of individuals who can offer advice, support, encouragement and share their inspirational experiences.

My purpose is to continue building such a community – a safe space where women and young people can come together to share their dreams and support each other in their personal and professional pursuits. This platform goal is to empower women and young people to thrive, no matter what challenges they may face or what their background is.

With Love,

Welcome to my platform, a space designed to inspire, ignite, and include. The purpose is to connect with and support young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, female entrepreneurs, and young aspirants. As a woman who has faced obstacles and setbacks on my own journey, I strongly believe in the power of building a community of individuals who can offer advice, support, encouragement and share their inspirational experiences.

My purpose is to continue building such a community – a safe space where women and young people can come together to share their dreams and support each other in their personal and professional pursuits. This platform goal is to empower women and young people to thrive, no matter what challenges they may face or what their background is.

With Love,

Lisette Malmberg

My Story

I was born and raised in the beautiful island of Aruba, where I grew up surrounded by my loving family and close-knit community of friends. After leaving the island to attend University in the U.S., I faced several challenges and setbacks in my personal and professional life. But I refused to allow them to define me, and, with the help of others, I persevered.

After graduating from University, I returned home and joined my family’s business, where I worked alongside my dad and brother for many decades. Despite achieving great success, I still felt like there was something more significant I wanted to do with my life.

My Face, My

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The phrase “My Face, My Phases” perfectly captures the many stages of my journey. From my early years in Aruba to my current positions in business and as a community leader – “my face” tells the story of my own growth and development, resilience in the pursuit of a dream and perseverance in the face of many challenges and set-backs. I have learned to embrace the opportunities and challenges with faith and hard work, trusting that ALL things ultimately would work for my good.

Mama – I have one daughter, who lives in the Netherlands, who is my great pride and joy and a son-in-law who is the son I never had.  And now, I am delighted with the addition of a new member of our family, who fills me with the wonder of life, as another generation is born in our midst.

I am also blessed to be called Mama by many sons and daughters, young and old, spread over the nations of the world.  Lives that have touched mine and who I have had the unique opportunity and privilege to connect with and in some small way inspire.

Spiritual Leader – we are all here with a purpose and a unique calling, with potential for significance and contribution.  Helping others to heal in their unique identity, discover their true self and develop their creative capacity is the passion of my life.

We are currently engaged in a prototype vision where we would develop Hubs in every district, poised to work together with other churches or service organizations on Spiritual Development, Community Engagement, and serving the particular needs of each district community in partnership with its residents, other churches or those of goodwill. This is deployed by The Hub Foundation, also a non-profit organization. Our first Hub has been established on San Nicolas’ main street and is serving the community of San Nicolas.

Entrepreneur – business and social entrepreneurship are at the core of my activities and pursuits, and I believe that creative leadership is key to building a strong community and nation. In this capacity, I have been involved in the Tourism Industry for over 4 decades, as a Shareholder of De Palm Corporation. After many years of working in different positions in the company, I am now a member of the Supervisory Board.

In the area of Social Entrepreneurship, I initiated an agricultural project called Goshen Sustainable Corporation, which unfortunately due to lacking government support, and a lack of capital for scaling the project, is one of the projects that did not come to its full potential and we had to sell the facility.

I am also the founder of HopeAruba Movement Foundation, which is a Civic organization committed to working towards Civic Education that leads to a Civic Movement in which we all participate in co-creating the future for our nation and co-share in its prosperity.

Activist – I must admit that I have a hope-filled perspective of life and people.  I want to be someone who sees the opportunity amid great contradiction and challenge, and believe that situations, circumstance, people and our nation can change…no matter what!

With this intention, I have engaged in many endeavors and committees over the years.

In 2021 I decided to participate in the elections for Parliament, revived an iconic political party, PPA and together with others tried to be a voice for true reformation in the leadership, structures and systems of our nation. I had to come to the sad conclusion that our cultural mindset is not ready to pay the price for true transformative change. We are still stuck in an old paradigm that maintains politics as usual. After deep reflection I decided that this was not the path for me, and that I would rather invest the remaining years of my life to work towards Nation building through HopeAruba’s initiatives, particularly with the youth, and in partnership with others that had the future good of our nation at heart.

Mama – I have one daughter, who lives in the Netherlands, who is my great pride and joy and a son-in-law who is the son I never had.  And now, I am delighted with the addition of a new member of our family, who fills me with the wonder of life, as another generation is born in our midst.

I am also blessed to be called Mama by many sons and daughters, young and old, spread over the nations of the world.  Lives that have touched mine and who I have had the unique opportunity and privilege to connect with and in some small way inspire.

Spiritual Leader – we are all here with a purpose and a unique calling, with potential for significance and contribution.  Helping others to heal in their unique identity, discover their true self and develop their creative capacity is the passion of my life.

We are currently engaged in a prototype vision where we would develop Hubs in every district, poised to work together with other churches or service organizations on Spiritual Development, Community Engagement, and serving the particular needs of each district community in partnership with its residents, other churches or those of goodwill. This is deployed by The Hub Foundation, also a non-profit organization. Our first Hub has been established on San Nicolas’ main street and is serving the community of San Nicolas.

Entrepreneur – business and social entrepreneurship are at the core of my activities and pursuits, and I believe that creative leadership is key to building a strong community and nation. In this capacity, I have been involved in the Tourism Industry for over 4 decades, as a Shareholder of De Palm Corporation. After many years of working in different positions in the company, I am now a member of the Supervisory Board.

In the area of Social Entrepreneurship, I initiated an agricultural project called Goshen Sustainable Corporation, which unfortunately due to lacking government support, and a lack of capital for scaling the project, is one of the projects that did not come to its full potential and we had to sell the facility.

I am also the founder of HopeAruba Movement Foundation, which is a Civic organization committed to working towards Civic Education that leads to a Civic Movement in which we all participate in co-creating the future for our nation and co-share in its prosperity.

Activist – I must admit that I have a hope-filled perspective of life and people.  I want to be someone who sees the opportunity amid great contradiction and challenge, and believe that situations, circumstance, people and our nation can change…no matter what!

With this intention, I have engaged in many endeavors and committees over the years.

In 2021 I decided to participate in the elections for Parliament, revived an iconic political party, PPA and together with others tried to be a voice for true reformation in the leadership, structures and systems of our nation. I had to come to the sad conclusion that our cultural mindset is not ready to pay the price for true transformative change. We are still stuck in an old paradigm that maintains politics as usual. After deep reflection I decided that this was not the path for me, and that I would rather invest the remaining years of my life to work towards Nation building through HopeAruba’s initiatives, particularly with the youth, and in partnership with others that had the future good of our nation at heart.

My Legacy

As I reflect on my journey, I hope to leave behind a legacy of faith, kindness, generosity, and empathy that inspires positive change in people’s lives.

I strive to create opportunities for others to succeed by offering guidance and support through mentorship, which are a significant part of my journey as well. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important values to me, and I’m committed to advocating for a more just and equitable society. I hope to inspire others to embrace these values and work towards a more inclusive future where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their destined greatness.

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Throughout my journey, both personal and professional, I’ve come across many beautiful “gems” of people and “gems” of wisdom which have helped me navigate challenges and pursue my dreams. These “gem” encounters have taught me some life principles and values, which I hold dear, such as:

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A deeply rooted belief in the basic goodness of mankind. A strong conviction that people are NOT the sum of their history, shortcomings, or


A positive attitude and a growth mindset can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success. By embracing barriers as opportunities for


Connecting with others is key to building strong relationships and successful enterprises. By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, truly listen with the


Everyone has been given gifts, talents, and special abilities, packaged within the life story, personality and creativity of their unique identity.

Tips & Tools

Here you will find a collection of valuable tips and tools that I have personally curated to help you on your journey. Whether you are seeking mentorship opportunities, looking for inspiration, or simply wanting to grow, these resources will help you do just that….

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Webinar – Understanding Economics of Mutuality in Practice

12:30 pm–2:00 pm

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