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Throughout my journey, both personal and professional, I’ve come across many beautiful “gems” of people and “gems” of wisdom which have helped me navigate challenges and pursue my dreams. These “gem” encounters have taught me some life principles and values, which I hold dear, such as:


A deeply rooted belief in the basic goodness of mankind. A strong conviction that people are NOT the sum of their history, shortcomings, or mistakes, but that there is always room for transformative change, when someone believes in you and is willing to lend you a helping hand.


Connecting with others is key to building strong relationships and successful enterprises. By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, truly listen with the intent to understand and hear their heart, you can build trust and create meaningful partnerships.


A positive attitude and a growth mindset can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success. By embracing barriers as opportunities for growth and learning, you can unlock your full capacity and overcome even the toughest obstacles.


Everyone has been given gifts, talents, and special abilities, packaged within the life story, personality and creativity of their unique identity. Surrounding yourself with a community of people who believe in you, are willing to help you develop and grow can make all the difference in your personal and professional life. Surround yourself with those that encourage, not those that look to find fault or break you down.

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